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The Legend of DryTown Water Park

There was a whole lot of nothing in DryTown. Only one thing could be said about it: it was hotter than the hubs of Hades, and so dry that the trees followed the dogs around. Water was only a memory long gone. DryTown's history began on June 4, 1856, when Dr. I.M. Dusty, a rogue dentist from somewhere back east, and his wooly brother, Wilbur, unearthed silver deposits while working with a few other eager prospectors. Being smarter and wiser than their hapless cohorts, Dr. Dusty and Wilbur seized the opportunity and formed the DryTown Mining Company. Word of their rich finds spread faster than greased lightning, and soon, DryTown was full of the wildest, most fearless and thieving men any mining town could ever imagine, all looking for their share of the wealth.

Cutthroat prospecting was the name of the game as settlers scrambled to get their claim of the unseen treasure. Dr. Dusty knew that it might take many, many years for DryTown to produce even a handful of generous silver claims, but there was just enough silver to tempt settlers to remain faithful to their quests for the motherlode.

In time, folks grew restless as the silver finds became more and more scarce. Just when it seemed like DryTown was about to blow off the map faster than a tumbleweed in a high wind, the enterprising brothers — ever in pursuit of more hidden treasure — struck true gold. While blasting a forgotten quarry, Dr. Dusty and Wilbur found water! The clean water bubbled up from the ground and spewed up across the town. It was more refreshing and cool water than anyone could have possibly imagined. This, they knew, would truly put DryTown on the map, and they wasted no time unleashing the news of their fabulous discovery.

With an enthusiasm never before seen in these parts, DryTown Mining Company was quickly renamed DryTown Water Park! Memories of the old mining town remained but were washed with a new determination. Artifacts of the past — the old firefighting wagon, tools, saloon, hotel, bank, dance hall, brewery, tobacco and drug stores and more — began to come alive again. Come see for yourself!

Welcome to DryTown® Water Park — The Antelope Valley’s Water Park!

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